The Truth About Trees
This production is currently in development.
The Truth About Trees is a piece of family theatre, told using puppetry, shadows play, and storytelling.
The story follows eight-year-old Alfie after his Grandpa imparts the ancient wisdom that paper, if made correctly, can tell the story of the tree it came from. Alfie think’s this is a load of nonsense. That is, until the trees seem to have something to say to him. When he starts to listen and look for the clues, Alfie realises that he is the only one listening. He must spring into action to save the trees and all the creatures that live there.

Cast and Creative
Alex Zawalnyski - Writer
Laura Hounsell - Director
Annabel Lunney - Producer
Lori Stott - Cast
Alex Tait - Cast
The R&D
So far - we have a script and we have completed two days of R&D, allowing us to understand how puppets, shadows, storytelling, and acting can work together. We are currently looking to complete a week of R&D to explore these questions in greater detail, as well as develop wrap around / workshop materials for school engagement.
For more information on where we're at, you can read a summary here.